About our 3K/Pre-K Programs
District 2 3k/Pre-K Centers
1. District 2 3K/Pre-K Centers ensure that high expectations and rigorous instruction are provided every day for every student in all classrooms. This is grounded in an asset-based mindset in which all children are supported to recognize themselves as unique individuals with abilities, feelings and interests.
2. District 2 3K/Pre-K Centers develop and strengthen a welcoming and affirming school environment by acknowledging and honoring the beliefs, values, gender identity, and traditions of all children, staff members and families.
3. District 2 3k/pre-k centers implement an inclusive curricula and assessments for allstudents. Children have multiple opportunities for academic growth and, social andemotional development through teacher collaboration, implementation ofdevelopmentally appropriate practices, facilitation of play-based learning, inquiry, extending childrens thinking and communication skills.
Statement For District 2 3k/Pre-k Centers
District 2 pre-k centers strive to foster an equitable and collaborative learning culture and community, while creating meaningful opportunities for children to construct and share knowledge of themselves, others, and the world around them.
We believe that students thrive in a joyful, safe, inclusive developmentally appropriate environment.
This culture for learning ensures students are prepared to continue to inspire, build and thrive as learners.